Types of street furniture and their importance
| August 28, 2021
After a long tiring walk, a bench on the side feels like heaven. But why do you think these benches are placed there? And what’s its importance? The benches, racks, chairs you see on the roadside are called street furniture. These play a pivotal role in creating well-planned and developed cities. They can enhance the entire space. Such contemporary furniture has immense importance in the cities where the streets and roads witness mass footfall due to being closer to city centres, malls, and entertainment hubs.
The last few years have risen the importance of street furniture in the city’s development. Local authorities are always finding a way to attract tourists. Maintaining the city’s aesthetic is one such factor that contributes to the purpose immensely.
- Benches provide a sense of relief to every pedestrian
- Planters make the city look aesthetically pleasing
- Bicycle racks secure the bikes from getting stolen
- Bus shelters is yet another name of development in the city
- Trees grates protects pedestrian from tripping while walking
Street furniture serve practical purposes
In the busy areas of the city, benches are used to serve practical purposes more than decorative purposes. Ideally, street furniture like benches are kept there to give people a suitable place to relax after tiring and time-consuming activities like shopping, jogging. Adding dustbins, signboards, and planters is yet another idea of a substantial return on investment. Seating can also be used in structures that protect trees in the city.
For experience over utility
Seating arrangement in public parks and waterfronts is not only for seating. It also provides a feeling that the person is welcomed here anytime he wants. Bus shelters provide shade from prickly heat and torturing sunlight to the people.
Encourages social interaction
Strategically placed benches at social places offer opportunities for people to interact with each other. This is the one reason why more and more parks have benches at multiple locations. Elderly and people with toddlers find this place to relax for a while. In the meantime, they get a chance to interact and socialize with each other.
Establishes a sense of identity
Modern design and updated engineering skills have contributed and added dimension to street furniture. Today, design and styles are limitless. For local authorities, it is a way of promoting the location’s heritage and people’s character by embodying them in the street furniture. The art on them is the proud display of the city’s rich culture and individuality.
Promotes security
Bollards and blockers are installed at some places to prevent the incoming of heavy vehicles in the area. It provides the visitors with a more friendly and secured atmosphere. Bicycle racks keep the bicycles of students and other people safe.
Paves the way for innovation
Other than steel and wood, street furniture is designed from recycled plastic, cans & pipes. Along with serving the conventional need for seats, this also promotes the green initiative to support the environment.